Books and Orders

In English I offer the book "Growing through Joy" as a printed version and as an ebook called "Beyond Suffering. Joy is a choice"

There is also a Spanish version avaibable of the ebook Beyond suffering called M�s All� Del Sufrimiento

English Ebook: Beyond suffering
Print version: Growing through Joy
Ebook en español: M�s All� Del Sufrimiento

If you speak German you will find more books on my German website here

Beyond Suffering

English Ebook version

Dr. Ulla Sebastian

Beyond suffering. Joy is a choice

In-depth understanding and hands-on instructions on how to live a self-empowered, joyful and fulfilled life

For more information about the book, please click here

Price: USD 9,80

100% No-Risk - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

The book is based on fourty years of research, work with thousands of people from all over the world and a personal lifelong experience of Selfgrowth and transformation. If for any reason (or no reason), you decide this information isn't right for you, just email me at any time within the next 30 days, and you will receive all your money back.

Ordering is really easy. Order your copy by using this order link

Click Here To Make a Secure Order

And download your copy from the website in just a couple of minutes!

The ebook is set up as a pdf.file for easy reading and printing.
You need the free Acrobat reader to open it. Click here to download the latest version.

The ebook is a revised version of the printed version: Growing through Joy.

If you prefer the printed version, please see below the book: Growing through Joy





Dr. Ulla Sebastian

Book Growing through Joy

For more information about the book, please click here



£ 11.80 including postage

Other European countries:

Euro 12.80 including postage

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European countries only

For overseas please order the ebook version above

The order will be handled by Paypal. To open an account is free, simple and secure

Please, click one of the following options, depending on your state of residence



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Growing through Joy

for £ 11,80 including postage

Click on the button


Other European countries

I order the book

Growing through Joy

for Euro 12,80 including postage

Click on the button




If you are living in the UK and prefer to pay through bank transfer, please insert your Email address here for further details


This book is also available as an ebook version with the title: Beyond Suffering for immediate download as a pdf.file. If you prefer the ebook version, please go to the top of page



Ebook en español

Dr. Ulla Sebastian

Más Allá Del Sufrimiento
Cómo vivir una vida placentera, satisfactoria y autosuficiente

Il precio: Euro 9.80

Europa solamente

Este libro está basado en más de cuarenta años de investigación, en el trabajo realizado con miles de personas alrededor del mundo y en la experiencia de toda una vida dedicada al Crecimiento y la Transformación Personal.

Puede ordenar una copia del libro mediante este link de un modo sencillo.

Ordenar una copia del libro

Más Allá Del Sufrimiento
Precio: Euro 9.80

Haga Click en “Paypal Buy Now”
para realizar una transacción segura.


Este Ebook se encuentra en formato PDF para facilitar su lectura e impresión. Es necesario tener Free Acrobat Reader en su computadora. Haga Click aqu� para bajar la �ltima versi�n



Dr Ulla Sebastian Personal Growth Resources
Stettiner Str. 3
59174 Kamen
Tel: +49 (0) 23 07 7 35 45
Fax: +49 (0) 2307 55 30 03

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